Monday, March 26, 2012

Random thinkings

It's now 2:30am since the 'spring forward' to BST. It's funny how so many american English phrases have manifested themselves into British English. It really doesn't matter in my opinion, with us all connected more than ever now, languages will merge and words will blend to be common place. I'm not actually sure why I'm writing this at the moment. I remembered I had an old blogger so decided to check it out. All I ever seem to do is post random pictures of things I've seen here and there. I think I need to express myself more, maybe this is the place for that, maybe not. Time will tell I'm sure. I'm listening to Sky by Sonique on a decent set of headphones. I seem to like tunes with a mix of bass and old school synthesizers. I don't think I'm unique in that respect, it's just connecting to the people with similar interests. I get frustrated that people would suggest a particular genre or artist can be considered gay. I have a taste for all genres from heavy metal to poppy things. I have a good circle of friends but do people really know me? I don't want to start heading off on all topics at the moment, that is all to come.

For a first actual thought out post instead of a picture, I'm going to have to make this short and sign off now. I know I'll be running to the station tomorrow due to my car being in the garage for over two weeks now. I'll go more in to detail next time. For now, seeya around. D.